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Subject: Study of Revelation
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n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:40pm
Whats more, the Protestant Reformers were teaching that the (W) of Babylon spoken of in Revelation was the Catholic Church, and the antichrist is the Papacy. *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:42pm
The Roman Catholic church needed to do something to counter these claims. The result - they invented Futurism and Preterism to counter those claims. *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:43pm
You see, Preterism teaches that the beast and the antichrist have already come and gone. They say it was Nero and the ancient Roman empire. Futurism teaches that the beast and the antichrist will only appear at the end of time. *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:44pm
What do Futurism and Preterism have in common? In either case, the (W) of Babylon and the antichrist can't be the catholic church or the Papacy can they? *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:46pm
The Pope didnt care that the 2 interpretations of Scripture that he endorsed as true were completely contradictory, so long as they countered the claims of the Protestant Reformers. *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:49pm
Right up until this point in history, the Christian church held a Historicist interpretation of Revelation. When the Holy Spirit revealed to the Reformers that the Catholic church is the beast and the Papacy is the antichrist, the Catholic church ushered in 2 brand new interpretations to counter those claims. *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:50pm
It is true that God reveals the true meaning of His prophecies as they unfold. Most times we cannot comprehend their meaning, but when they unfold before our eyes, the Holy Spirit makes it clear to us. *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:51pm
Now John Hagee and other modern day evangelists who believe and preach Futurism are not Roman Catholics, but whether they know it or not, they are promoting anti-reformation theories originating in the Roman Catholic church. *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:52pm
So what does Historicism teach? *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:56pm
To give an overview, the Historicist interpretation of Revelation reveals the rise and fall of people and nations, of Catholicism and Islam, the uniting of Europe and a 1 world government *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:57pm
It reveals Revelation as a history book, the grandest epic known to man. If you liked the Lord of the Rings, you havent seen anything yet! *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:57pm
It applies to the church in every century. It is a book of judgement, doom and promise. It reveals Christ as King, and reveals Christs work in the world through history up to today and beyond.

n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:58pm
It gives us the assurance that the Lord is with us now and will return bodily when every eye will see Him and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 01:58pm
It is the Lords final message to His people to take heart and be assured of victory, because all is being orchestrated by the unseen hand of God for the good of His church. *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 02:00pm
In closing, I give you a quote from the well known Christian theologian Franciscus Junius, who said:

Revelation was given by God so that the faithful, being admonished beforehand of so many sore assaults and blood attempts, would be confirmed in faith and patience and stand resolute in spite of them and in confidence. *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 02:05pm
All replies welcome *

soldier2 15.06.09 - 02:09pm
n1ck the Catholic Church claims a mark of authority in Christianity.What is that mark? *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 02:26pm
What ''mark'' does the Catholic church claim over Christianity? *

soldier2 15.06.09 - 02:33pm
SUNDAY WORSHIP.And they have claimed that many times.They call protestantism a joke.Do you want the quotes? *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 02:46pm
yawn.GIF over and over we go around in circles ey soldier2. No, the mark of the Beast is NOT sunday worship. *

n1ck 15.06.09 - 02:47pm
Revelation 13:16-17

16. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

n1ck 15.06.09 - 02:48pm
Can you name any time in history where a Protestant Reformer - or anybody for that matter - has been unable to buy or sell because he/she worships on Sundays? *

iilmadme 17.06.09 - 06:42am
A really interestin topic,nick :) *

n1ck 17.06.09 - 07:45am
Thanks madme! Glad you like it *

n1ck 17.06.09 - 08:03am
Well Soldier2, since Christians have been worshipping on Sundays for over 2000 years and have been able to buy and sell just fine, we can conclude by testing it against scripture that worshipping on Sunday cannot be the mark of the Beast. *

n1ck 19.06.09 - 04:57am
If anybody is interested to study the book of Revelation further, please go to the following link on your computer:

There you will find a series of 63 sermons on Revelation, a comprehensive exposition of the book done bu Pastor W.J. Mencarow. I highly recommend you listen to these and find out exactly what the symbolism in Revelation means. *

airwalkr 26.09.09 - 08:42am
63 sermons??? You couldn't just give us a quick cheat sheet on what everything means??? lol.GIF *

n1ck 30.10.09 - 07:14am
lol I could do that airwalkr, but do you know how long it would take to summarise 63 sermons? Seriously though, I highly recommend these sermons as the speaker has been very careful to be true to both scripture and history. There are some fascinating facts about history in there, and the way it all ties back to Revelation is nothing short of mind blowing. I downloaded all the sermons and put them all on CD's which I listen to in my car. *

iilmadme 30.10.09 - 11:19am
There looks like sum interestin titles there,i'll go get sum of those in a bit i think.Thanks,nick x *

n1ck 31.10.09 - 05:52am
You are most welcome iilmadme. I am going to be writing a book on Revelation based on these sermons, which is going to take me a very long time! But I am sure it will be a great help to a lot of people. *

fursa 1.11.09 - 06:59pm
Nick would u please look 4 these 2 guys n tell me wat u think Rob van Os Rev in nubers n Dr. Mitch Medina- Rev revealed *

fursa 5.11.09 - 06:58pm
I just downloaded some sermons of the page n they r very balanced in their techings... I wanna get d whole thing n giv.. *

fursa 5.11.09 - 07:02pm
Ngive to pastor friends family n other Christian leaders n friends... I thijk its great. Thanks Nickokay.GIF *

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